is it safe to take ibuprofen and septra together

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27.05.2009 · Best Answer: Yes its fine. Solpadol is paracetamol & codeine, and is perfectly safe to take with ibuprofen. Its actually quite a good combination for

Günstig: Ibuprofen. Jetzt bestellen und Geld sparen!
is it safe to take ibuprofen and septra together
The advised dosage for each is two tablets every four hours. Can I therefore take two paracetamol tablets at the same time as two ibuprofen tablets and repeat Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) Questions and.
Is it safe for my son to take ibuprofen.
Can you take acetaminophen (Tylenol) and.
is it safe to take ibuprofen and septra together
10.01.2008 · Best Answer: when i was in hospital the doctor told me it is safe to take 2 paracetomal and 2 ibuprofen together as they work differently to each other and